Special Educational Needs Support and EHC Plans
Most children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) go to a mainstream school.
Mainstream schools must do everything they can to make sure children with special educational needs get the extra support they need to achieve as well as they can. This is called SEN Support, this means that the educational setting makes additional or different provision to meet a child’s needs. Sometimes other professionals will give advice or support to help your child learn. Please see our leaflet about SEN Support in Mainstream Schools:
SEN Support in Mainstream Schools
If your child does not make progress despite SEN support being put in place an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment might be the next step.
You should speak to your setting, school or college about making a request. You can find out more in our leaflet Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment:
Education Health and Care Needs Assessment
An EHC needs assessment will not always lead to an EHC plan. The information gathered during an assessment may indicate ways in which the education setting can meet the child or young person’s needs, without the need for any special educational needs provision through an EHC plan.
You can find out more about Education Health and Care (EHC) plans here:
What is an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan? (updated 2019)
Please also see our leaflet:
You can find out how an EHC plan can be put together here:
What is a Person Centred Planning Meeting? (updated 2019)
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan the plan will be reviewed on an annual basis. Please watch the video below to find out more: